Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Course and e-learning Platform

    • Read me!

    • Introduction

    • How to Work with this Course

    • Course Expectations

    • Course Outline

    • Course Mapping

    • Introduction to Leader Trainer

    • Course Summary

    • Week 1 - live session Part 1

    • Week 1 - live session Part 2

    • Week 1 - live session Part 3

    • How to use the platform

  • 2

    Introduction and How to Define Your Project

    • Week 2 - Resources

    • Week 2 : Live Session Part 1

    • Week 2 : Live Session Part 2

    • Week 2- Assignment Instruction

    • Week 2 - Assignment

    • Week 2 - Resubmit Assignment

  • 3

    How to Decide Upon a Methodology

    • Week 3 Resources

    • Week 3 - Lesson

    • Week 3 - Assignment

    • Week 3 - Live Session

  • 4

    How to Choose Your Research Methods

    • Week 4 Read me!

    • Week 4 Lesson

    • Live Session

    • Week 4 - assignment - Research Methods

  • 5

    How to Conduct Background Research

    • Week 5 Read me!

    • Week 5: Lesson

    • Recorded Session

    • Week 5: Assignment

  • 6

    How to Choose Your Participants

    • Week 6: Read me!

    • Week 6- Live Session

  • 7

    How to Conduct Interviews

    • Read me!

    • Week 8 - Interviews

    • Week 8 : Assignment Instruction

    • Live Session -Practical -Important!

    • Pilot Project Note!

    • Live session

    • live session

    • Live Session

  • 8

    How to Analyze Your Data and Report Your Findings

    • Resources!

    • Data Analysis - Part 1

    • Data Analysis - Part 2

    • Data Analysis Part 3

    • Data Analysis Part 4

    • Data Analysis Part 5

    • Data Analysis Part 6

    • Data Analysis Part 7

    • live session

    • live session